We are to be wary of who we follow. Especially in this time where things seem to go sideways more often than not. Jesus speaks of many things that will be bring about the coming of the end times. Volatile weather across the globe, earthquakes, and wars. Be careful with whom we follow into the fray. The Lord must guide us all. Believers in Christ have always been risked to be killed, jailed, and betrayed. While oft despised by the kinfolk we are around, we should not be buffeted away from the Lord. The hate we can receive is from Satan and the infection of evil he spreads in this world. We must still trust in the Lord and His teaching in spite of the issues we face in our daily lives and the things we find incorrect. The Lord is my shepherd. Jesus says in verse 33 "My Words shall now pass away". Meaning all His words will be fulfilled to the fullest extent. Considering that He has prophesized the end times, we know that they come just as he described. Jesus, before being captured, was sleeping on a rock in the Mount of Olives. How humiliating! Yet the Lord did not seem to mind. How can we embrace the discomfort and humility it takes to truly be a follower of Christ. Put away the needs of your self and work for others and most importantly for Him. Give forth the Love that you have received.
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