Luke emphasizes repentance. If we do not repent we will be like everyone else. Be like Christ instead. Are we a barren tree for Christ or we like the disciples and bring fruit? The gardener removes trees that don't bring Him fruit. What kind of tree are you? Be careful about who we allow to nestle in our tree. Demons love to find branches and start to whisper and pull at us. Ask the Holy Spirit to keep our tree clean and free of all evil. The rest of this verse has a somber note to me. Speaks of Israel not repenting and never knowing the Lord even though He was right there. How shameful and sad to have watched the Messiah and to ignore Him and in some cases persecute Him. We should not do these things to the Lord or to one another. Help us to look beyond our own little causes and see what You ask us to do. For we should be in this World but of the Word of God.
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