John calls us here to overcome the world and its evils with the Cross and the Holy Spirit. Again, we are told to be in this world but of the Lord! I feel as though this is a tremendously important lesson to learn relative to the issues of the World today. So many things beckon for us at all hours of the day and in every circumstance. The MOST important thing is our relationship with Christ and our belief in Him. Love is the language of God and the way we are most like Him is to accept Him into our hearts and souls and let the LOVE SHINE! His love is different than the way that love is portrayed. Love for God is stronger and much more meaningful. It is eternal forgiveness and joy over another soul coming to freedom from sin. This what God's love brings us. Let our love bring freedom and joy to those around us. Perfect love casts out fear and dread. The love of God is supposed to do that for all of us and make us comfortable in ourselves through Him. Everything is through Christ to be with God. The Cross is the gateway to eternity. True Love from God will help us make the right choices in every situation. Stay strong in Him.
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