The Last Supper occurs in this chapter. The 12 continue to fail to see what the Lord is telling them. We of course knows what happens but hasn't Jesus and the prophets been spelling this out for far too long? When we read the Word, we must look beyond what we read and pray for the Lord to tell us what he means. The vast majority of the time, we only look at the surface. The Lord gives everything deep meaning, if we take the time to find it. Jesus gives another example of being in this world but not being of it. Men place being served at the height of honor. When in God's eyes, serving others is the penultimate. By like Christ and serve others in your life. Christ suffered more than on the Cross. He has to submit to will of God. In spite of all His power, He was given a path and only that path. This path was hard and full of sorrows. No mere mortal could serve this duty. As Jesus told Peter, Peter would deny the Lord 3 times before the roster crowed. This comes true and Peter weeps bitterly. Peter knows the weakness that he has shown and how stubborn he had been. He is crying for shame and for mercy. Have we ever reached this point with God, where we are ashamed of ourselves? We are so far from the pedestal that we cannot barely even see it, except for the Grace of God. Repent with a pure heart and we can all climb the mount to be with Him for eternity. This is exactly what the Sanhedrin must do to receive the Grace of God after sentencing the Son to Death.
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