The Levites had not come with the second group of Jews. So Ezra stopped, and called for them with messengers to continue the Lord's work. Without the Levites to properly prepare and keep the Temple, Israel would fall back into the squalor it had just came from. The messengers worked because Ezra called on them FOR the Lord. The work was not for himself or his own glory. We must do things to glorify the Lord, not to build up ourselves. Ezra understood the power of God and declined an escort. What a great leap of Faith. Telling the King of the powers of the Lord and holding to those principles. From captivity to complete Freedom. Let us travel as we may. The rest of the journey is all done as recognition of their great sins. They fast. They gather what things they have and GIVE it ALL to the Lord. When they arrive safely, they actually finish the giving to God and the priests in the Temple. Also, burnt offerings are given in great multitudes to proclaim the sin and seek forgiveness. We can all take a lesson from this. Our weakness is tremendous and men. We must seek forgiveness and mercy from our Father.
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