Simply by knowing the Law and the Covenant is not enough! We must truly repent to the Lord. The problems here always lie with man as we are so imperfect. He knows it as well. We are to absolve God of all faults and lay the responsibility of our sin entirely at our own feet. The sins we create are ours to carry and ours alone. That is until Jesus takes the weight off our back. No man holds standing above any other man for his role on this planet. We are all created and judged equally by the Lord. Evil is always present in our world and only the believer has a reprieve from this evil. God is the only escape from the pain and suffering of this world. We all come short of perfection and all sin viewed as the same in the eyes of the Lord. We are judged for our sins by the Lord and if we truly believe Jesus Christ lifts away that sin. That is why God can be just and we all still be saved. There is only one salvation. That is through Christ. Nothing else will save us from eternal damnation. Place your Faith in Him and be saved.
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