We are given the greatest gift. That gift being the Love of God. Exemplified by the sacrifice of Jesus Chris for our sins on Calvary. The amazing part of this is we did nothing to earn it. God gives this to ALL! If God would sacrifice His only Son for us, how much more is willing to give us when we recognize this sacrifice. Recognize Jesus, repent in Him, and be saved forever. Sin and righteousness are the perfect contrasts from how men live their lives. Each has a monarch. But only one can overtake the other. Because evil is weak in the face for the Lord. All sin can be overcome through our Savior. There is nothing he cannot provide if it is deemed necessary. We are rescued from sin through our Belief in Him. Help our minds to stay focused on you so that we may stay in the presence of your Grace and Love. Once have arrived here, Lord, help us to share You with everyone around us!
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