Even the Disciples of Jesus Christ had trouble believing the message of His resurrection. What makes us think that we can achieve perfection? Perfection is impossible for only Jesus was/is perfect. However, we can let our Faith guide us and show us the way of Christ. The devil is strong and pulls at us forever to get off the path of Christ. Through Faith and Love we can remain on the road with Christ. Do not be weak enough to get pulled off. But, if you do immediately seek forgiveness and the road will be yours again.
We are told from Jesus's mouth that the Bible is the answer for all of things in our lives. It gives us instruction for how to live, how to eat, how to love, and everything in between. The scripture was the guide of Jesus's whole life, and everything in His life had already been predicted. He was the fulfiller of the good news. Grow your Faith so you may come to know the Lord and His Word. There is nothing better than the word of God. The Word is the pillar of our Faith. Cling to it and the Lord will know you and you will know Him.