We are blessed if we keep His Word and seek Him with our whole heart. The journey with God we are supposed to have is one of us constantly after Him. Our imperfection demands that we seek the Redeemer and become unashamed of our sin no longer. Sin is to be repented and to not be brought up again. But we must respect and follow ALL of God's commandments, not just the convenient ones for the day. Allow the Lord to be your Light in the journey of our physical lives. If He is your light, when you lose track of the Lord, the world will become a very dark place. So many have fallen into the traps laid along the road. The light dimmed and the traps became harder to see. Lord keep the light bright on our journey and help us all resist the temptations along the path. Even though we walk with you these temptations are still there.
Verse 11 tells us "Your Word have I hid in my heart, that I might not sin against You." Our hearts are to be home to the Scriptures so that the lessons from the scriptures take hold in our lives. When we fully understand the scripture, we are fit to teach His Word. Verse 12 tells us that we can only fully grasp the Word with the help of God! Nothing is complete without Him being in it. Verse 16 says " I will delight myself in Your Statutes: I will not forget Your Word." We know Christ delighted constantly in the Word of God. This was His delight. What is your delight??
The world itself will bother us from our rejoice in the Lord. Do not be turned away by those who do not know Christ. Sing it louder that He is our Savior. Open our eyes to behold Your Glory that we may be overcome with joy from knowing and trusting in You. Allow me to submit to your guidance and extinguish the sinful nature inside of me. Enlarge my heart for You and straighten my compass in Your Name. For I have chosen Your way, O Lord, meaning I have accepted the only to fulfill my soul and my spirit's desire to be with You.
We are told in verse 48 that we are to meditate on His Statutes. If we meditate on the Word and for the Lord with our minds completely closed off to the distractions around us, we open our mind, our heart, our soul, and our spirit to the Lord. Allowing Him into our lives will create a freeness that we hardly ever feel and a desire to overcome the failures of the day. Our weakness falls away when we let the Lord drive. our Camry turns into a flaming chariot if you will. The comfort we all seek is offered by the Lord, the Devil is what keeps us always distracted and on pins and needles. The calm of the Lord is where we out to be. The humble are the ones that depend on Him. The proud cannot deride from the victories of man.
Verses 137-144 tell us of the troubles and anguish we will face in our lives and how the Commandments of the Lord can lift us above the trifles and fill our lives with His presence and the fulfilling joy that He brings. To do this we must stand fast with the Word in the face of all our enemies and demons. Let the afflictions of the world drive us ever closer to the Lord in our search for improvement. Give the Lord our worries and overcome it through prayer.
We are all lost sheep in the world without our Lord. Be like a sheep and submit yourself in fealty to the Lord so He may carry us and hold our hand down the lighted path. Amen.