As we are called to be like Christ, the biggest challenge (outside of His perfection from sin) was His proximity to God. We should strive to find that relationship with God and with Christ and with the Holy Spirit. We may be weak and be of the flesh, but the suffering of Christ on Calvary has opened us up to the freedom of sin. Now we must use it. Verse 1 tells us not to be afraid for the Lord is our salvation and our strength. How true this is! With Him in our lives to the utmost degree, we are strong and mighty against sin and evil. We are secured in his name to be with the Holy one in Heaven. That is His promise to us. Be patient with the Lord and with yourself. Be encouraged by the word and by all the things God does for us. In this He will strengthen our hearts and our faith in Him. Through this we will find the inner peace and feel the love and mercy and grace of our Lord and savior.
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