This verse concerns the issue we have with confessing our sins. The Holy Spirit through David tells us that pain and suffering will come to those who do not confess their sin as that does not make them true believers. An unconfessed sinner is shrouded in the deepest darkness as God has hidden the light from him. How terrifying that is when we know the light of the Lord is what we seek! But if we confesss our iniquity to the Lord, we are lifted from the penalty of sin. We are not to feel “worthy” of God’s Grace because we confess, but we are to feel gratitude. These are much different emotions and should keep us held on the rock of Christ as we are never “worthy”. We are forgiven and for that we should be grateful. Christians as a whole need a guide, as the animals do. Be led by Christ and His Word. When you know Him rejoice and celebrate for His kingdom is yours.
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