David tells us of how his soul thirsts for God. What can we learn from this and utilize ourselves? God is the drink of our soul. Without Him, our souls will wither and die. David's lips praise the Lord because of His lovingkindess. We are called to do the same. David knows God has helped him and will continue to do so. Because of this, David's soul will be full, as the stomach that eats a meal of marrow and fatness. David will also rejoice in the shelter of God's wings.
How can we be more like David? Stop and admire God's beauty and thank Him. Sing His praises. Even a bad singer sounds great singing to the Lord. Spend moar time in prayer with the Lord.
These things are all simple, yet they are so hard to do. Kick out the excess from your life so as to live leaner and with less pulling you around. Our strength is in the Lord, not the weakness of the flesh. Be Blessed by the Word of God and give Him all your heart, your soul, and your mind.