Again we are told to start singing to the Lord. It is one of, if not the most pleasing gift we could ever gift to God. But this isn't just for you and I to do. It is for the whole world to do! Verse 2 can be a great way to live our lives. "Serve the Lord with gladness: come before His presence singing." How simple an instruction.
Verse 3 God says so many things in so few words. 1. The Lord is God, 2. He made us with His Hands, 3. We cannot save ourselves, but only He can save us and He does and will, 4. We are His people and 5. We are the sheep of His pasture where the forage is lush and there are no predators. To reach these abundant pastures, we are told to begin our prayers with thanksgiving and praise to Him and His Name. The only thing we will ever encounter that is eternal is our Lord, God. His mercies and love and promises last forever. "His truth endures for all generations". How uplifting to know that God is here for us and our children and all of His children forever. .