This verse starts with honoring the Lord, God. The Light of God is brighter than any. It is so blinding that man cannot approach. Only with Jesus can we attain the ability to see God through the blinding light. Everything we know serves God and what He calls upon it to do. The clouds the winds and the seas. God controls all of this Earth as it is his creation. All of His creation is for the service of us and sustaining our lives. We should be gracious and give the Lord praise and thanks for the blessings of everyday! God determined when each animal is active. The fowl, the lion, the goats and men. By his decree we are designed to be active in the light of day. Verse 24: “… the Earth is full of Your riches”. If He decides to take away our breathe, we are destined for death. The Lord decides our fate not us. Reach out to Him for guidance on what direction He desires us to travel in our journey through life.
Verse 31 reminds us that the Lord and His glory shall endure forever. Verse 33 reminds us to sing His praises as long as we live. To give Him thanks, give Him glory, and honor Him. Verse 34 “My meditation of Him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the Lord.” Meditation and prayer with God as our focus is a great way to be closer to God. He fill our souls with joy and purpose through Him.