This verse is assumed to be mosaic. (Written by Moses). Verse 1 has a message all in itself. “He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” If our heart and soul are with God, and love Him and are with Him, we are under his protection. How vital is it to be protected by God!? The most popular verse from this chapter is verse 2. “I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge and my Fortress; my God: in Him will I trust.” These 2 verses back to back create a powerful message. Trust in Him so that he may protect us. Without God we are vulnerable. With Him we are rock solid and safe from the dangers and traps of Satan. God’s truth and His Word are the only things we truly must have. If we have these things He will provide and protect us!! Verses 3 through 10 give examples of how we are all tempted by the demons and minions of Satan. They are everywhere all of time. Pray with the Lord to keep us safe from these evils. Verse 13 speaks to how the Devil will be overcome and Christ will be victorious over Evil again. If we set our love on the Father, we will be delivered from Sin. This chapter is tremendous and represents how protected God’s people truly are when they trust in Him. We are blessed beyond belief and must realize what we have been given.
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