The Holy Spirit is active in its attacks on me today! Do not be envious of the evil doers in this world, their success is only for a short time before they are cut down like grass going into winter. Verses 3-7 give us a guide on how to have a victorious life through Christ. Trust, Delight, Commit, and Rest in Him. Can we do all of these things? We must. Especially when a situation turns away from the positive. Continue in this way to overcome.
The wicked in this world are many and they are not like us in so many ways. Faith and Mercy and Grace grant us a freedom they do not have. A believer is safe to know His end whereas the wicked can only guess. For they don’t know Him. It is imminent that the wicked will lose whatever they have, for it was acquired through Sin. Nothing gained from Sin can be kept and maintained. If we wait, God will show us the way in which this works. We as believers will always be lifted up above the troubles, this is a promise of the Lord. Once again we are called to be “ in the world, but not of it”. This is important to remember!