Joshua has grown old and stricken with age in a long time of peace in Israel. God stayed the hand of Israel’s enemies. The Lord continues to promise continuous victory to Israel. To receive the promises of God we must follow the Lord and his teachings above all else. If we do not so this, then we are not following Him.
Without total belief in Him and His Word, continuous victory over sin and evil will be impossible. Sin and evil things will be grabbing at you like snares and traps, attempting to stop you from being pure. (Verse 13).
Without a belief in God, we will fall victim to other things to treat as a god. This idolatry will get us nowhere. How can we overcome the basis of our world, that being idolatry over everything? When the one and only Idol is primarily ignored. God must be front and center in our lives or we are destined for failure. Be that here on earth or in after life, without God we have no chance of success.