The last chapter of Joshua. He recaps the time of Israel and his service to them. Verse 15 is where the quote “ as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord” comes from. But this has more than just that inside this verse. Before that statement is made Joshua gives an ultimatum. He asks Israel to choose this day whom you will serve. The God of their father or the gods of those conquered by Israel? This should not be a difficult choice. Made even easier by the fact that they witnessed how powerful God was in the lives. God shows himself to each of us every day of our lives as well. All we have to do is pay attention and see his miracles all around us.
Joshua promises that God will remain the same. And if you forsake Him for other gods, He will do you harm and consume you, just as he consumed your enemies.
Israel, through Joshua, commits to the Lord. They renew the Covenant with God and Joshua makes them a monument. A stone placed under an oak tree. For the stones remember too. As we know from the Word, Israel doesn’t hold up its end of the bargain. How do we avoid being like Israel in this manner? We must be in Him more and more. Without this we will fail.
Joshua leaves Israel at 110 years old. He was deemed a servant of God by the Holy Spirit. What an honor! What things must we do to achieve such a distinction?