I have a hard time not working this chapter back to the coming of the Messiah as King for the Kingdom Age to begin here on earth. God gives all things to Christ in His perfection. Christ then blesses us with the things we need through his sacrifice. The King will rule over everything for ever and ever as God has said. The Glory of the second coming of Christ is great and is a gift from God for Christ to give to us. God has made Jesus blessed forever as Jesus gives the blessing of eternal life to all believers. When Jesus does come again, there will be no opportunity for evil to gain a foothold any longer. Evil and sin will be banished and crushed as Christ reigns. Through Him all things are possible. With the help of the Lord, there is no height we cannot reach, nor mountain we cannot climb, nor a sea we can’t cross. Look to Him above and know His Glory is yours. Let that feeling engulf your whole body and feel the love of God because you love Him.
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